Mar 15, 2016

Tumulus St. Michel - Carnac (France)

From a distance the Tumulus of St. Michel looks like a huge hill but it is one of the biggest grave hills in Europe and situated in the east of Carnac. The Tumulus has dimensions of 125m length, 60m width and 10m height. Inside the Tumulus is a closed chamber where burnt human bones were found. In the 13 stone cists around this chamber furthermore remains of burnt animals bones, axes, pendants were found.
Unfortunately it is not possible to have a look into the Tumulus.
During the 17th century the chapel was built on the hill. There is also a christian cross next to it. Its erection dates back to the 16th century.
Geographic coordinates: 47° 35′ 17″ N, 3° 4′ 25″ W

side entrance (closed) to the Tumulus

Menhir, back entrance (closed) and stairway to the top of the Tumulus

Christian cross and overview to the west from the top of the Tumulus
Christian cross, chapel and overview to the east
Cross with crucifixion


Mar 14, 2016

Tumulus de Kercado - Carnac (France)

As one of Europes oldest megalithic sights the Tumulus of Kercado is situated in the woods of Carnac south of Kermario. It is dated to 4.500 BC.
In former times the Tumulus was surrounded by a Cromlech. Nowadays you can find only a few Menhirs / stones. The Menhir on the top of the Tumulus was set there by its second excavator R. Galles at the beginning of the 20th century.

The hill has a diameter of app. 40 metres. Chamber (3,2m x 2,2m) and corridor consist of 17 stones while there are 5 endstones for the corridor and 1 endstone for the chamber. You will find some carvings in the stones. So it is necessary to take a torch with you.
In the chamber and the corridor some grave goods such as axes, arrowheads and pearls have been found.

Geographic coordinates: 47° 35' 45" N, 3° 3' 14" W

Menhir of the former Cromlech around the Tumulus in front of the entrance

Entrance of the Tumulus with Menhir on the top

some remaining Menhirs around the Tumulus

some remaining Menhirs around the Tumulus